Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Long weekend in Maryland

Carson and I flew to Maryland Wednesday night ans stayed until Monday morning. We had a great time visiting family and friends.
Wednesday night, Carson was great on the airplane. He was such a big boy and sat in his seat the entire time. We played games, read books, colored, ate snacks and watched movies. Carson was so excited to go to Mimi and Pop's house. As the plane was flying into Baltimore Carson was looking out the window saying "there's Mimi's house" at any and all the little lights he saw. When we landed it was midnight so we couldnt wait to get back to my parents house so we could go to bed. Carson slept in until 11:30 Maryland time so we got a late start on the day. Our only plans for Thursday was to go to the pumpkin patch so we ate breakfast/lunch and got ready to go. I really wanted to take Carson to Butler's Orchard for all of the fun stuff they do, but since it was during the week, none of the fun activities were going on. We decided to go to a different farm where we could also pick apples and they had animals for us to see. Carson really enjoyed all of the pumpkins and couldn't decide which one he wanted. He tried to pick up several that were way too big for him. When we finally found one small enough for him, he carried it and "threw" it in the wheel barrel. Then we were off to the orchard to pick some apples. Carson had so much fun finding the good apples and picking them. As he picked them he said "turn, turn turn" and he would turn them until they came off of the tree. It was so cute. Too bad for me, my camera died shortly after we started :(
We ended up picking enough apples to make an apple pie and even had a few extras to snack on.
Thursday night Carson and I went over to my best friend, Kara's house to see her and those 2 little cuties, Evan and Landon. They were not feel well, but that didnt stop me from cuddling on them and Carson had fun playing with their toys and he even helped me feed Landon.
Friday was not a very exciting day, we just went shopping. Friday night, my other bestie Cari, dragged me to the high school football game. Some her her co-workers were going to be there so she told them she would go. Cari teaches middle school Spanish so she saw several old students who were now in high school. Let's just say I was ready to leave after 5 minutes. Games are not them same 10 years later.
Saturday was another lazy day. I did some more shopping with my mom and got to eat some Rita's Italian Ice :) Then it was time to start getting ready for my 10 year high school reunion.
The reunion was nice, but definitely not was I was picturing. I know the planners did their best with what they had to work with, but it was a little dull. Oh well, at least I can say I went.
Sunday was a long day... we decided to drive to Salisbury to visit my sister. It was probably not the best idea to be driving in the car all day the last day in town, but oh well, it was nice to see my sister and her boyfriend. For those of you who know what Salisbury is like, you know that there is NOTHING to do there. We went out to lunch and then took Carson to the zoo and park. The Salisbury Zoo is not like any zoo you have ever been too. This zoo has about 5 animals and and lots of trees. Carson did have fun hanging out with Tyler and wanted Tyler to carry him around. There is a very nice park at the end of the zoo and Carson had a lot of fun playing. By this time Carson was tired and ready for a nap so we headed back to Samantha's apartment to drop her and Tyler off and then head back home. Carson fell asleep after a few minutes and slept about 2 hours. Once we got back to my parents house I had a long night of laundry and packing. I needed to make sure everything was done before I went to bed because our flight was at 7am and we needed to leave by 4:30am.
The next morning, we woke up at 4am and headed to the airport. Carson started out in a great mood. It wasnt until about hour 2 of the 5 hour flight he started flipping out. He no longer wanted to sit in his carseat. It probably wouldnt have been too bad if it hadnt been a full flight. Carson had to sit on my lap since he wouldnt sit in his seat and that got old quick. I finally got him back in his seat for the last hour and we watched movies and ate some cookies. When we landed, Greg was waiting for us at the gate. I was so happy to see him. I was exhausted. We got our bag and headed home. Carson and I both fell asleep in the car. Carson slept for 2 hours once we got home and I slept for about an hour. Bed time came early that night and Carson was in bed at 7 and I was in bed at 7:30. I slept for almost 10 hours and boy did I feel good this morning. I did have to go back to work today though. It was a long day and I am glad it's over. It will be another early night tonight.

I will leave you with some pictures of our trip:

Fun on the airplane :)

Pumpkin Patch

Uncle "Deedle" (Daniel) helped Carson get an apple that was high in the tree

Picking apples with Mimi

Salisbury Zoo
Carson and his buddy Tyler

"Flying" with Aunt "Mantha" (Samantha)

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