Well, as of today I am 31 weeks pregnant. I would love to say that time has flown by, but its hasnt. I feel like I have been pregnant forever! When I was pregnant with Carson I never remember feeling "done" but then again I wasnt working full time AND chasing after a 2 year old everyday. Working full time as a teacher is exhausting in itself, but then coming home and taking care of Carson or other wife/mommy duties completely wipes me out.
This pregnancy is very similar to my pregnancy with Carson. No morning sickness, no funny cravings, hip and back pain, but most importantly my belly measuring small. With Carson my doctor started noticing my smaller belly around 30-32 weeks. She started monitoring the growth by doing monthly ultrasounds and the last 2 weeks of my pregnancy she had me going in for NST's (Non Stress Test) twice a week.
At my appointment today, my doctor told me that she would like to start monitoring the baby's growth because when she measured my belly, it measured 28 cm. It is suppose to match up with the number of weeks you are. I am not too worried because I know everything worked out fine with Carson. I just make small babies I guess!
The one thing that is different with this pregnancy is that I have low blood platelets. We first discovered this in late November/early December. My doctor didnt seem too worried (levels were 121,000) and told me that we would check it again at in a few months. So, after learning of this "disorder" I started researching. The biggest thing that stood out was that if my levels were too low at time of delivery then I could not have an epidural! AHHHHHHHHHH, are you serious?!?!? That is the one thing that scares me most.
I had more blood work done last week and my levels went down even more (102,000). The first thing I thought when my doctor told me this was Could I still have an epidural??? My doctor is going to keep an eye on my levels and I have to go back in a few weeks for more blood work. I really hope they go up or stay the same. She said something about if they get below 88,000, but I honestly dont remember what she said. I was too focused on getting an epidural.
Well, I now go to the doctors every 2 weeks and soon I will be going every week. 9 weeks sounds a lot farther away then I think it really is. We are getting ready to put Spencer's room together. Next week we will be putting the twin bed in Carson's room and moving the crib into Spencer's room. The car seat is all washed and ready to go and Spencer has a ton of clothes ready to be washed. My wonderful friends are throwing me a baby shower in 2 weeks. They truly are the best and I cant wait to see everything they have done.
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