Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all of the wonderful moms out there! I hope you had a wonderful and relaxing weekend. I am so lucky to have such an amazing husband and son. Sunday morning Greg got up with Carson and let me "sleep" in. Then I was "woken up" by Carson running into the bedroom yelling "MOMMY!!!" and Greg following behind with a tray full of breakfast for me and presents :) Of course Carson wanted to get up in the bed with me and watch "B" (t.v.). Carson was excited to help me open my cards and presents. I opened my card from Carson and there was a Pita Jungle gift card in there :) If you know me, you know I LOVE Pita! Then I opened my card from Greg and my present. Greg and Carson had gone to Jared's and got me 4 new charms for my Pandora bracelet. These new charms have made my bracelet complete. I don't think I fit anymore on.
After relaxing for a bit, it was time to get ready for Church. This was the first time we have gone to Church on Sunday (we usually go Saturday night) and it was packed. After Church we got something to eat and let Carson play at the playground. That is his favorite part about Church. Here are some pictures of my handsome little man on Mother's Day.

Carson didnt want to take pictures

Me and my little man

My new favorite pictures of Carson


Sunday, May 2, 2010

Almost 2!

It's hard to believe that my baby boy will be 2 in just 1 month! It seems like yesterday he was learning how to roll over and sit up by himself, now he doesn't sit still for longer than 30 seconds. Carson is learning so much everyday and I can't get over how much he knows. He counts to 10 (with a little help) and he sings lots of songs (Wheels on the bus, ABC's, Twinkle Twinkle little star and Itsy Bitsy Spider are some of his favorites), knows his animals and sounds, knows his body parts, and is starting to talk in simple sentences. Carson loves to play outside or "ow side" as he would say and he loves playing with his balls and cars. Carson no longer lets me dress him. He has to be the one to put on his pants and he wants to help with his shirts. Diaper changes have also started to become a struggle so I am hoping that means he is ready for the potty. He has been interested in sitting on the potty for a while now but he has only gone pee pee a few times. Maybe with me being home all summer we can start to make some progress. We will also be taking away his pacifier with in the next few weeks. I am not looking forward to it but I know it is something we need to do.

Well here are some pictures new pictures of my Almost 2 Year old!

Here is Carson sitting on his potty.

Carson put his pants on all my himself

Sitting by the pool splashing my feet at Grandma and Grandpa's house